Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What is an ANDI Score?

We all know that veggies and fruits are wonderful for our bodies, but have you ever thought about which are more nutrient than others?  You may be eating a lot of a particular vegetable/fruit that has a low antioxidant content compared to another option. 

What is an ANDI Score? 

ANDI stands for “Aggregate Nutrient Density Index.”

An ANDI score shows the nutrient density of a food on a scale from 1 to 1000 based on nutrient contents.

ANDI scores are calculated by evaluating a range of micronutrients including vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants capacities.

The higher the concentration of these elements in a food per calorie, the higher the score.  For instance, kale, a dark leafy green, scores 1000, while soda scores a 1.

scoThis picture is of Broccoflower.  It has an ANDI score of over 700.  It is so important to understand what kind of nutrients/ingredients are in your food.  Processed food pretty much has ZERO nutrition.  To stay healthy and live long, you have to boost your immune system with food that is jam-packed with vitamins.  Teach yourself and your taste buds to eat the right kind of foods.  A great tip is to buy food closest to its natural form.  Eat Healthy and Live Long!


  1. Great post! I had never heard of an ANDI score, but it goes to show it is not just about calories in vs. calories out. The nutritional quality of the calories you are putting in your body is much more important.


  2. Just like Kristen I had never heard of ANDI before. I think I'm off to research my favorite foods to see how they score...and none are processed foods!

  3. Does broccoflower have more nutrition value than broccoli or cauliflower??
