7-10lbs of weight gain during the Holidays! Say What?
It really puts things into perspective when you see the numbers 7-10lbs in front of your face. The holidays are the most wonderful time of year, but also the most detrimental to your health! The enjoyment of spending time with family is great, but that includes high fat foods and lots of sugar. It is so easy to fall into the trap of saying, "Oh, I will just have one cookie, one glass of wine, one more scoop of mashed potatoes...." But then you end up eating left overs 3 more days out of the week!!! Yikes!
Do you want to be the one who gains 10lbs in 2 months? I sure don't! So what do you do about it? There are easy ways to avoid those Holiday 10!
1. Choose low fat recipes of your favorite dishes! All dishes out there typically have a low fat version. Just do some research and find out what healthier products you can substitute for the high fat ones.
2. Small plates will help you with Portion Size! Focus on your portion sizes. Be realistic and don't go overboard.
3. Do Not go for 2nds!!!! One round is good enough. :-)
4. Stay away from the appetizers. Don't fill up too soon before the big meal! Save your appetite for the main meal and enjoy!
5. Alcohol has Calories! Either drink one glass of wine or don't drink it at all. It is wasted calories! Choose what is most important...the drink or the food.
6. Enjoy dessert, but only choose one piece of cake and make the slice small. Eat it nice and slowly to enjoy the taste. Don't devour it and then go for another piece. If you take your time, you usually only need one piece.
7. Workout 6 days a week! No Excuses! Burn those calories off!!!
8. Fill up your half of your plate with veggies and fruit! Make your dish colorful with good stuff!
9. Drink lots of water to flush out your system. The more hydrated you are, the less likely you are to be hungry and binge.
10. Don't keep candy, fudge, cakes...etc. in the house. Give it away, bring it to work, let your kids share it at school..etc. Just make sure it is out of your hands.
11. Avoid the sauces. They usually are filled with butter and cream.
12. Eat your food slowly and focus on socializing. For good digestion, we really should be chewing 30-40 chews per bite. Sounds like a lot right? This will help your brain catch up to your stomach to tell you if you are truly full and you won't overeat!
These are some simple solutions to keep yourself on track. You can do it! Let me know what kind of help you need during this holiday season to stay in shape. :-)
I am here to help you!
Your Beachbody Coach,